Wherever conversations take place that impact forcibly displaced people, we must be equal partners at the table.
We advocate across the US to ensure that the expertise and lived experiences of refugees, asylum seekers, and other forcibly displaced people are meaningfully included in all conversations where decisions are being made. We believe that policies and programs will be more inclusive and equitable when they are informed and crafted by those who have experienced forced displacement.
Who We Are
Refugee Congress is a national nonpartisan organization built and led by leaders who have experienced forced displacement. We promote the equal participation of refugees and all forcibly displaced people in decision-making on issues impacting our communities.
What We Do
We work at the national, state, and local levels to advocate for and support the wellbeing and dignity of refugees, asylees, asylum-seekers, and other forcibly displaced people.
Get Involved
Interested in connecting with Delegates or partnering on an event? We’re excited to work with you and advocate on behalf of refugees and asylees.
Our Work
Refugee Congress was established in 2011 when UNHCR brought together former refugees and asylum seekers from across the US for a convening focused on ensuring refugee and asylee input in planning and programming impacting our communities.
Today, we are an independent nonprofit built and led by refugees, asylees, and other forcibly displaced leaders. With members in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, we use our voices and experiences to inform and influence decision-makers on critical issues that affect our communities.
Meet The Delegates
Refugee Congress core members are Delegates — former refugees, asylum seekers, and other forcibly displaced leaders who are nominated and elected to lead and represent Refugee Congress’ advocacy in their states.
Delegates work together across the country and in local teams composed of Associate Delegates, Honorary Delegates, and other team members on national, state, and local events and activities focused on advocacy, outreach and assistance.
News & Blog

We are individuals who are experts in our lived experiences
We share our stories and perspectives.
We speak to challenges facing refugees and asylees.
We elevate the contributions we make to our society.