Victoria Barmak
Victoria Barmak
Honorary Delegate (Missouri)
Resettled Refugee from the Former Soviet Union
Victoria Barmak is a Refugee Congress Honorary Delegate from Missouri. She came to the U.S. as a refugee from the Soviet Union in 1990.
Barmak’s first memories in the U.S. are a mix of stress and anxiety. As a teenager, she suddenly found herself in the role of her parents’ parent. Her English skills, though limited, made Barmak her family’s only advocate, and the task was a huge burden that made her personal transition to her new life quite difficult.
Today, Barmak serves as Director of Language Services at Bilingual International Assistance Services, a non-profit organization in St. Louis that provides mental health and social and legal services to immigrants and refugees. She has a bachelor’s in psychology and is pursuing a master’s in communication.
Barmak’s motivation for becoming a part of the Refugee Congress was quite personal. Many years ago, her father was not receiving the assistance he needed because of his accent, and Barmak realized that a lot of people misunderstand something crucial about immigrants and refugees: just because someone does not speak English does not mean he or she is unintelligent or simple-minded. This is exactly why she wanted to become a Delegate.
“I am proud to be a part of the team of dedicated individuals that empowers new immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers with information, resources and support, and with respect to their basic human dignity.”
In the News:
Do you want to invite Barmak to speak at an upcoming event? Please fill out this contact form (reporters, please call 202-905-6238 for time-sensitive requests).